Curriculum Vitae
Kwan jin-OH (오관진)
1983 : Kaywon High School of arts, Korea
1987 : Hongik University, Korea
1998 : Graduate School of Dongguk University, Korea
- Graduated with a bachelor's and a master's degree from Hongik University
- 21 private exhibitions (Mail Economy Daily building , Myung dong Gallery, The Shrine of Art (5 times), Dan Won Art Gallery, Paris La Defense, Japan Dong Hwa Ji Gallery, Jong-ro Gallery (2 times), La Mer Gallery, Kwan Hun Gallery, Han Seon Gallery, Municipal GongPyung Art Gallery, Byuk Gang Gallery)
- group exhibitions: Hwarang Art Festival, International Art Exhibitions (more than 150 times)
- Awards: Special Prize at Korea Grand Art Fair, Award for excellence at Korea Grand Art Fair, Grand Prize at Asia Grand Art Fair, Grand Prize at KyungHyang Housing Art Fair, Other awards at international art fairs at Japan, Russia,
- Currently: A regular member of the Korea Art Association and Korea Character Designers Association. Councilor of PISA international animation, Director of International Art Exchange, Chief of Korean Art at GyeWon Art High School.
- Lectures: Hongik University, Dae Jin University, Cheong Kang University, Chang Won University, Shin Hung University, Hoseo University, Kyung Min University, Baek Seok University.
주요 그룹전
내재적 표현 정신전(동덕갤러리) Inward Expression Exhibition (Dong duk Gallery)
의식 구조의 확장전(갤러리 돌) Expansion of Consciousness Exhibition(Gallery Dall)
자연 그리고 한국화 정신전 (문예진흥원)Exhibition of Nature. Spirit on Korean Paintings(Fine Art Center)
아시아 새로운 도약전((주일 대한민국 대사관 한국문화원) A New Take-Off Exhibition of Asia (Korea Cultural Center of the Japanese Embassy in Korea)
시공회전(종로갤러리) Si Gong Group Exhibition (Chong Ro Gallery)
오늘의 한국 미술전(예술의 전당) The Korea Art Exhibition of Today (Seoui Arts Center)
서울 아트 페스티벌(로보호텔) Seoul Art Festival (Hotel Novo)
서울 오픈 아트페어 SOAF(코엑스) Seoul Open Art Fair(COEX)
대구 아트페어(엑스코) Dae Gu Art fair(EXCO)
미국 뉴욕 국제 아트페어 American New York international art fair
이스탄블 아트페어(Istanbul Conventionand Exhibition Canter)
마니프 국제아트페어(예술의 전당) MANIF international art fair(Seoui Arts Center)
선화랑 개관33주년 기념전(선화랑)
대한민국 국제 아트페어(코엑스) Korea International Art Fair (KIAF)
미국 롱아일랜드 햄튼 아트페어 / United States of America Long Island Hampton Art Fair