ARTIST Criticism
Art Vision of Kang, Chang-Yoel's-Roger Bouillot
Art Vision of Kang, Chang-Yoel's

     A long time, around 25 or 30 years ago, I committed "It is the orient that the arts are seriously and endlessly moving forward in."

     Seeing the unique art works created by Baik, Nam-Joon overwhelming the art world, you might, especially, as well think of Korea in orient.

     Fascinated with oriental art, I happened, one day, to come across with an art work, which was so much unique that I couldn't define it as any genre in art. I felt thrilled to find out that the artist of the work was Kang, Chang-Yoel, Korean. His work is, of course, modernized. Then I found it rooted in Korean ancient spirit.

     Rooted in the Korean spiritual and ornamental figures, the symbolic designs on the roof-tiles of palace, the flowers and the animals engraved on the historic memorial monuments, the scenes from shamanism (a type of ancient religion), stones and so on, his art had been originated.

     Also, we can see all kinds of laws, in which his works were likely to be drafted by computer before they were moved onto canvas.

     Reading the themes in his pictures, it is easy for you to find that his works seem to be the same as surrealists' like Dali or Max Ernst. However, even though the imagination in his works makes us feel queerly irrational and chaotic in the way of the formation, we also feel thrilled to see there are his superlative intellectual themes in his works and something specially harmonized beyond our expectation. Furthermore, we can't fail to notice that how many times a piece of subject in his work was repeatedly assembled, demolished and spiritually reassembled.

      The spiritual esthetical matters found out in the history are assembled and re-emerged in his works. The three-dimensional universe of human, the history having been flowing with our lives, is turning into the four-dimensional universal thesis in his works, too.   

     In his works including spirits and dreams there is a window opened. Out of the window there is a world that seems to be touched but never to be allowed.

     Like the words that can be affordable to be used only in poems, his works seem also affordable to be conversed only with poems in our lives.

The construction  of his works with necessary ingredients is composed of mastered perspective. His pieces completed in that way permit us to savour of little by little like peeling off the layers in a poem. 

     An artist and poet, Kang, Chan-Yoel, whose undergoing his own unique fantasia might as well be called 'a monumental deed' paints the time flowing away, taking off the veils retreated in his memories, reemerging as a figure of his own dream and missing his childhood with all  his heart.

     The province of his fantasia is so superlative and unique that the root of Korean history is spiritually melted in his work, and compared to the ideology of NO-JA's, the artist's spiritual vision is being vividly reflected to us.

Roger Bouillot

Note: the origin written in French is translated in English by Kim, Min-jong      


L’art de Kang Chang-Yeol

Il y a longtemps, 25-30 ans, que je l’affirme : c’est un extreme-orient que les choses bougent vraiment dans le domaine des arts-plastiques. Et particulierement en Coree du sud, et par seulement avec l’appart si puissamment original d’un Paik Nam-Jun.

Dans cette perspective, j’ai recemment decouvert l’oeuvre d’un peintre Coreen a peu pres inclassable, Kang Chang Yeol qui est d’une incontestable modernite tout en s’inspirant des racines immemoriales de la Coree. Car Kang parts d’elements decoratifs traditionnels, motifs ornementaux, symboliques, dessins, gravures sur pierre ou sur tuiles des palais royaux, motifs floraux ou animaliers empruntes a la decoration des monuments du passe, broderies virre scenes de chamanisme des peintures anciennes. Tout une grammaire de formes destinees a etre d’abord traitees par ordinateur avant le passage a la toile.

La demarche creatrice de Kang Chang Yeol peut s’apparenter a un certain Surrealisme, du cote de Dali ou de Max Ernst. Mais a propos de son univers plastique, on peut noter combien ses tableaux deconcertent par l’assemblage d’elements aux voisinages inexplicables, illogiques ou inattendus, mais qui ingerent des associations mentales tout a fait seduisantes.

Dans son ensemble, l’oeuvre peint de Kang Chang Yeol reflete des preoccupations spirituelles et esthetiques qui tournent autour de la question du temps. Le temps qui rythme et mesure notre vie terrestre, mais aussi ce temps quatrieme dimension de notre espace tri-dimensionnel. Ses tableaux, images psychiques ou cliches oniriques, sont autant de fenetres ouvertes sur un monde proche mais inaccessible, peut-etre parallele a notre monde de realite, que seul peut percevoir l’intuition poetique.

L’eouvre de Kang Chang Yeol dont d’abord s’apprecier sur le plan poetique, ses associations d’element a priori incompatibles sont autant de travailles qui pourraient s’apparenter a une forme de voyance.

Poete, Kang exorcise le temps qui passe en devoilant des images enfouies dans sa memoire, en materialisant des cliches de reves, en se confrontant mentalement a sa propre enfance.

Branchee sur les territoires du Reve, l’oeuvre de Kang Chang Yeol est tout a fait singuliere. Elle affirme aussi ses racines specifiquement coreennes, aussi que les preoccupations spirituelles de l’artiste, assez voisines de la pensee des maitres taoistes.

Roger Bouillot, 2008

Art in Korea