2020-10-10 artist note
My <Restful home> is a metaphorical expression of daily life, expressed in autobiographical narrative. 
On the surface of a small wooden box, reliefs and drawings are repetitive, starting from the form of a house and living in it that repeating symbiotic, division and diffuse. But each day a little different habits of life as a scene of a daily story, which gives a lyrical account of human existence.
2020-10-10 Restful home
<Restful home> is an autobiographical representation of everyday life. 
Shapes that are discordant or drawn on the surface of a small panel are each home, room and my body. 
Starting from the form of a house, it expresses a story man existence, with a landscape of different everyday life, little by little. 
Variations in square boxes from the shape of a house, metal plates that mean human figures, and various forms of stone that mean the shape of nature.
Like writing a diary, I make my own house and stories every day, every day. 
I would like to look at the way people live, the house, and the time that natural human beings accumulate in them from a hopeful perspective. 
The "home" form provides important clues to understanding my work and life and tries to build a stable and peaceful image based on a autobiographical experience in the work. 
My work is a scene of day and day. It's a record of the mind.
2020-10-10 The quality of soft feeling is expressed by the pink marble, form a huge vagina shape
The quality of soft feeling is expressed by the pink marble, form a huge vagina shape. which can be expressed as heavy, hard, yet soft and restful feeling.
I want to share this feminine and maternal work with others. The maternal femininity that I pursue is about having hope, embracing suffering and pain, and creating a new life and world while healthy. Close nature, daily lives and vein through part of her work. It shows that our world is rolling into one organism.